Forum Analysis
Forum Analysis
Since the beginning of its activities, the company has organized behind closed doors the “Forum Analysis” exclusive events, which bring together, quarterly, top managers of institutional investors, banking, insurance, industrial and financial groups, and rating agencies. Our Forums deal with the most topical financial, economic and market issues in an operational and frank manner.
Given the constant presence as participants of the most qualified Chief (Executive, Financial and Investment) Officers operating in Italy, the work is concentrated in 2/3 hours. The “Forums” benefits from the intervention of the highest institutional positions and among the speakers we have had notable personalities such as Paolo Gentiloni, Roberto Gualtieri, Klaas Knot, Mario Draghi, Ignazio Visco, Pier Carlo Padoan, Marc Carney, Jens Weidmann, Vitor Constancio, Paul Krugman, Robert Mundell, Jacob Frenkel, Otmar Issing, Mervyn King, Henry Kaufman, John Lipsky e Myron Scholes.
Analysis Forum is an initiative that has no equal in the country in terms of the level and quality of its stakeholders.
Info location
We provide the location that hosts the Forum Analysis to anyone who needs it. It is the perfect location to organize events of various kinds.