We are a leading company in Italy for integrated software solutions for the financial world and wealth management.
Carlo Maria Pinardi
Founder and Chairman since 1986 of Analysis SpA. Professor of “International Corporate Finance” in the Master of Science in Finance Program at Bocconi University (as lecturer at the Finance Department since 1991). President since 2016 of “Casa Testori”, an important non-profit hub of contemporary art, based in Milan. Columnist for “L’Economia del Corriere” of the Corriere della Sera. Independent Director and President of the Audit Risk and Compliance Committee of Banque Eni SA, Brussels. Member of the board of directors of Nano-Tech SpA – Nano Carbon Technologies. He was founder and chairman of Online Sim, the first online mutual funds broker in Italy. He also served as a member of the Committee for the Italian Financial Marketplace. Author of books (Default e piazza finanziaria, 2005; Il mercato dei corporate bond in Italia, 2003; and Formazione delle aspettative e mercati azionari, 1996) and several academic articles.
Since 2011, Analysis Group has owned the oldest economic and financial fortnightly published in Italy. Founded in 1876 by Ferdinando Bocconi and Angelo Brambilla, “il Bollettino” is also available and updated online.
This website publishes listed and unlisted bonds data and provides security-level statistics on the main relevant financial indicators in the sector. Bondonline is also available and updated online.